SafeSolar App Privacy Protection Guidelines
Before using any of Fonrich's photovoltaic security services, please carefully read and fully understand this statement. If you have any questions regarding its contents, you can contact our customer service for clarification. If you disagree with this statement or any part of it, please immediately stop using the platform's services. By using our services, you agree to the entire content of this statement.
This application respects and protects the personal privacy rights of all users who utilize its services. To provide more accurate and personalized services, this application will use and disclose your personal information in accordance with this Privacy Policy. However, we will treat such information with a high level of diligence and caution. Except as provided by this policy, your information will not be disclosed or provided to third parties without your prior consent. This policy may be updated periodically, and by agreeing to the Terms of Service, you are also agreeing to the entirety of this Privacy Policy, which is an integral part of the Terms of Service.
1. Scope of Application
(a) Personal registration information provided by you when registering an account with this application.
(b) Information automatically received and recorded by this application when you use our services or visit our platform's web pages, including but not limited to your IP address, browser type, language used, date and time of access, software and hardware characteristics, and page records.
(c) Personal data obtained legally from business partners.
You understand and agree that the following information does not apply to this Privacy Policy:
(a) Keywords you enter when using search services provided by this platform.
(b) Information and data collected about you by this application, including but not limited to activities, transaction information, and review details.
(c) Actions that violate laws or this application’s rules and the measures taken by this application in response.
2. Use of Information
(a) This application will not provide, sell, rent, share, or trade your personal information to unrelated third parties without your prior consent, unless the third party, along with this application (including affiliated companies), provides services to you and will be prohibited from accessing the information once the service is completed.
(b) This application does not permit any third party to collect, edit, sell, or distribute your personal information in any form. If any platform user engages in such activities, this application reserves the right to immediately terminate the service agreement with that user.
(c) To better serve users, this application may use your personal information to provide you with information you might be interested in, including product and service information. Information may also be shared with partners to allow them to send you information about their products and services, subject to your prior consent.
3. Disclosure of Information
This application will disclose your personal information entirely or partially as per your personal wishes or as required by law in the following cases:
(a) Disclosure with your prior consent to a third party.
(b) Disclosure to third parties for the provision of requested products and services.
(c) Disclosure to third parties or administrative and judicial institutions as required by relevant laws or regulations.
(d) Disclosure to third parties if you violate Chinese laws, regulations, or the service agreement or related rules of this application.
(e) Disclosure to the respondent upon request by a qualified intellectual property complainant in order to resolve potential rights disputes.
(f) Disclosure of necessary information to a party in a transaction created on this platform, if requested, to facilitate the completion of the transaction or resolution of disputes.
(g) Disclosure that this application deems appropriate according to laws, regulations, or platform policies.
4. Information Storage and Transfer
Information and data collected about you by this application will be stored on the servers of this application and/or its affiliated companies and may be transferred to and accessed, stored, and displayed outside of your country or region.
5. Information Security
(a) Each account on this application is equipped with security protection features. Please safeguard your username and password. This application will take security measures, such as password encryption, to protect your information. However, please note that there are no "perfect security measures" in the information network.
(b) When conducting online transactions through this application, you may need to disclose personal information such as contact information or postal addresses to the counterparty or potential trading partners. Please protect your personal information carefully and only provide it when necessary. If you discover any leakage of your personal information, especially your username or password, please contact customer service immediately so that we can take appropriate measures.
6. Third-Party SDKs
To ensure the functionality and security of our software, we may integrate SDKs provided by third parties. We carefully evaluate the purpose of shared information for each SDK integrated. The list of SDKs is as follows:
5.1 Huawei Push
Provider: Huawei Device Co., Ltd.
Purpose: Message push service for Huawei device users.
Data Collected: Device information (SSID, BSSID, IMEI, Android_ID), running applications, external storage permissions, Wi-Fi information, network IP information.
Privacy Policy
5.2 Xiaomi Push
Provider: Xiaomi Inc.
Purpose: Message push service for Xiaomi device users.
Data Collected: IMEI/OAID (Android Q+), device model, Wi-Fi information, running applications, external storage permissions, network IP information.
Privacy Policy
5.3 VIVO Push
Provider: Vivo Mobile Communication Co., Ltd.
Purpose: Message push service for VIVO device users.
Data Collected: Running applications, storage permissions, network IP information.
Privacy Policy
5.4 OPPO Push
Provider: Guangdong OPPO Mobile Telecommunications Corp., Ltd.
Purpose: Message push service for OPPO device users.
Data Collected: Device identifiers, application information, network-related information.
Privacy Policy
5.5 Meizu Push
Provider: Zhuhai Meizu Technology Co., Ltd.
Purpose: Message push service for Meizu device users.
Data Collected: Running applications, external storage permissions, network IP information.
Privacy Policy
6. Changes to this Privacy Policy
(a) If we decide to change this privacy policy, we will post the changes in this policy and on our company website, so you are informed about how we collect and use your personal information, who can access it, and under what circumstances we disclose it.
(b) We reserve the right to modify this policy at any time, so please check it frequently. In case of major changes, we will notify you via a website announcement.
Fonrich (Shanghai) New Energy Technology Co., Ltd. retains the right to interpret this content.